Today Blue House Photography is back showing off our Denver stock images with a quick trip through City Park. The park is home to a memorial for Martin Luther King Jr., a spectacular lake, a boathouse and a fountain. The park also hosts the Museum of Nature and Science and the Denver Zoo. It is the largest park in the Denver Park system. The park was originally built in 1882 and designed by Henry Merryweather in the tradition of both English pastoral gardens and Central Park in New York City. Hope you enjoy.
Willow and Aaron, chose not to have a traditional wedding and asked Blue House Photography to be a part of it. We met the couple Monday morning at the Denver Courthouse at the Wellington Webb Administrative Building where they were applying for and signing their wedding license. About 12 family and friends joined the couple at the courthouse. Following the “ceremony” we walked over to Civic Center Park for some portraits. The couple was very easy going and fun to work with. Hope you enjoy the photos.
Blue House Photography teamed up with The Knot this Winter to offer a Groupon-style deal for engagement photos. Michelle and Adam, from the northeast Colorado town of Yuma, bought the deal and liked the idea of coming to Denver and using its unique architecture as a backdrop. Delia took the couple down to the Platte River Valley, around the Millennium Bridge, and over to Union Station and came back with some great photos.
Today Blue House Photography wanted to show more of our non-Denver stock images. As a regular viewer of this blog has seen we have tons of Denver-local stock images. But we also have images from outside Denver we wanted to showcase. Here are a few of the mountains. If you’re like anything like Blue House Photography the mountains are a big draw for our photography and for what we do in our free time. Hope you enjoy and check out our stock photo galleries!
Luke and Delia Palmisano, siblings, formed Blue House Photography in 2005. They work together as a team to capture fleeting moments that mark their photo-journalistic style. They cover a wide variety of events, such as weddings, news, commercial shots and candid portraits. Delia and Luke also enjoy looking through the lense as they travel and often exhibit their work at Denver area fine art galleries.