So I've been thinking for a while now about what Blue House can do to be more "green" and also what have been wondering if there is any way we can influence others in our industry to do the same.... While I realize this is a trend right now, I think that the green movement goes deeper than that. I feel that no matter what your profession, we, as people have a responsibility to be as green as possible in our day-to-day life.
As photographers, Luke and I are already green in a few ways. We are 100% digital for shooting weddings, thus eliminating excess chemicals, waste, etc, that unfortunately film requires. By shooting digitally and offering our clients proofs in a digital form, we also cut back on wasted paper. Years ago when I shot film, I offered 4x6 proofs of all the images, which added up to a lot of wasted paper. (Who really wants 100s and 100s of prints...?) We also use all rechargeable batteries and car pool to all our weddings and mostly shoot locally. (While I wouldn't turn down a destination wedding, the footprint of airplane travel is huge!)
So, those are the basics, but I'm basically just scratching the surface. This is the first of a series of posts about Green Wedding Trends, etc.
More to come soon!